Heritage at Risk Registers and Publications
From here you can access downloadable PDF versions of the Heritage at Risk registers and leaflets from this and previous years (back to 2008) as well as other HAR publications (thematic surveys).
Heritage at Risk 2014 national summary leafletPublished 23 October 2014
The national summary is an annual document that provides an analysis of the current status of Heritage at Risk. This publication provides a national overview of the 2014 Heritage at Risk Programme with headline statistics.
Priority Heritage at Risk Sites 2014Published 23 October 2014
Priority Heritage at Risk sites are those sites that English Heritage has identified for additional support to save them for the future.
Heritage at Risk 2013 national summary leafletPublished 10 October 2013
The national summary is an annual document that provides an analysis of the current status of Heritage at Risk. This publication sets out the top facts and figures on England’s historic environment at risk for 2013.
Heritage at Risk 2013 entries by local planning authorityPublished 10 October 2013
This document provides a table of every local planning authority in each locality and shows the number of entries on the 2013 Heritage at Risk Register by asset type.
Priority Heritage at Risk Sites 2013Published 10 October 2013
Priority Heritage at Risk sites are those sites that English Heritage has identified for additional support to save them for the future.
Heritage at Risk 2012 entries by local planning authorityPublished 11 October 2012
This document provides a table of every local planning authority in each locality and shows the number of entries on the 2012 Heritage at Risk Register by asset type.
Heritage at Risk 2012 national summary leafletPublished 11 October 2012
The national summary is an annual document that provides an analysis of the current status of Heritage at Risk. This publication sets out the top facts and figures on England’s historic environment at risk for 2012.
Priority Heritage at Risk Sites 2012Published 11 October 2012
Priority Heritage at Risk sites are those sites that English Heritage has identified for additional support to save them for the future.
Heritage at Risk 2011 national summary leafletPublished 19 October 2011
A summary of Heritage at Risk, including the headline statistics from the Register.
Priority Heritage at Risk Sites 2011Published 19 October 2011
Priority Heritage at Risk Sites 2011, identified by English Heritage as needing additional support to save them for the future.
The Heritage at Risk Register - Reducing the RisksPublished 7 July 2010
Maintenance of heritage assets is essential if they are not to become ‘at risk’, and to prevent those that are already at risk from decaying further and thereby escalating the cost of their repair and consolidation. Buildings, for instance, decay rapidly when left empty. Avoiding vacancy through short-term lets or schemes that provide protection through residential occupation are low-cost ways of maintaining buildings until permanent solutions can be found.
List of Assets by Local AuthorityPublished 19 October 2011
List of Heritage at Risk by Local Authority.
Heritage at Risk 2010 SummaryPublished 7 July 2010
A summary of Heritage at Risk 2010, including an introduction to Caring for Places of Worship and the statistics from the 2010 Register.
Heritage at Risk 2010 ReportPublished 7 July 2010
To accompany the 2010 Heritage at Risk Registers, we have produced a report that examines the state of each of the asset types on the Register in turn.
The Heritage at Risk Register - Reducing the RisksPublished 7 July 2010
Maintenance of heritage assets is essential if they are not to become ‘at risk’, and to prevent those that are already at risk from decaying further and thereby escalating the cost of their repair and consolidation. Buildings, for instance, decay rapidly when left empty. Avoiding vacancy through short-term lets or schemes that provide protection through residential occupation are low-cost ways of maintaining buildings until permanent solutions can be found.
Saving London: 20 Years of Heritage at Risk in the CapitalPublished 30 September 2010
A review of 20 years of action on London’s buildings at risk.
Caring for Places of Worship 2010Published 30 June 2010
This Places of Worship survey provides a snapshot of the condition of a representative sample of the nation’s listed religious buildings. Some may since have been repaired and will now be in fair or good condition. Others will have deteriorated, tipping them from fair to poor. Others still will have received sufficient attention to halt their deterioration, even if it has not solved all of their problems. The survey provides us with a better understanding than ever before of the physical state of this country’s irreplaceable stock of historic places of worship.
Synagogues at RiskPublished 30 June 2010
Report based on the findings of a survey carried out by Jewish Heritage UK
Heritage at Risk 2009 SummaryPublished 23 June 2009
Key national facts and figures of English Heritage's 2009 Heritage at Risk register.
Sites at risk for East MidlandsPublished 15 June 2009
Map showing the percentage of designated sites at risk for east midlands
Sites at risk for East EnglandPublished 15 June 2009
Map showing the percentage of designated sites at risk for East of England
Sites at risk for LondonPublished 15 June 2009
Map showing the percentage of designated sites at risk for London
Sites at risk for North EastPublished 15 June 2009
Map showing the percentage of designated sites at risk for North East
Sites at risk for North WestPublished 15 June 2009
Map showing the percentage of designated sites at risk for North West
Sites at risk for South EastPublished 15 June 2009
Map showing the percentage of designated sites at risk for south east
Sites at risk for South WestPublished 15 June 2009
Map showing the percentage of designated sites at risk for South West
Sites at risk for West MidlandsPublished 15 June 2009
Map showing the percentage of designated sites at risk for West Midlands
Sites at risk for Yorkshire and HumberPublished 15 June 2009
Map showing the percentage of designated sites at risk for Yorkshire and Humber
Buildings at Risk in EnglandPublished 15 June 2009
PDF of map showing percentage of listed (grade I and II star nationally) buildings at risk in England by region (includes also grade II buildings in London)
English Battlefields at RiskPublished 15 June 2009
PDF of map showing percentage of registed battlefields at risk in England by region
English Monuments at RiskPublished 15 June 2009
PDF of map showing percentage of scheduled monuments at risk in England by region
English Parks & Gardens at RiskPublished 15 June 2009
PDF of map showing percentage of registered parks and gardens at risk in England by region
Registered Parks and Gardens at RiskPublished 2 March 2009
Factsheet on Registered Parks and Gardens at Risk, including contact details for who to contact for more information in English Heritage.
Conservation Areas at RiskPublished 23 June 2009
A nationwide survey of conservation areas, conducted by English Heritage and the 75% of England's local planning authorities who responded, indicates that approximately 1 in 7 is at risk from neglect, decay or unsympathetic change.
Heritage at Risk Summary 2008Published 7 July 2008
Summary of the Heritage at Risk 2008.
Introduction to the 2008 Heritage at Risk RegisterPublished 10 October 2008
This publication reveals the reasons why English Heritage introduced a national Heritage at Risk register in 2008, what the state of England's historic environment is and what needs to be done to preserve it for the future.
In 1998 English Heritage (now Historic England) published a national 'Monuments at Risk Survey' (MARS).
As a follow up, English Heritage undertook a more detailed assessment of the risks currently facing scheduled monuments in each region.
The survey had two main objectives:
- to evaluate the condition, amenity value and setting of scheduled monuments in the region and the extent to which they are at risk
- to establish priorities for action and monument management.
The results of the pilot survey for the East Midlands region were published in 2006 and the results for the other regions were published in 2008.
Scheduled Monuments at Risk Survey LondonPublished 3 July 2008
Summary of the survey of Scheduled Monuments in the London region in 2008.
Scheduled Monuments at Risk Survey North EastPublished 3 July 2008
Summary of the survey of Scheduled Monuments at risk in the North East region in 2008.
Scheduled Monuments at Risk Survey North WestPublished 3 July 2008
Summary of the survey of Scheduled Monuments at risk in the North West region in 2008.
Scheduled Monuments at Risk Survey South EastPublished 3 July 2008
Summary of the survey of Scheduled Monuments at risk in the South East region in 2008.
Scheduled Monuments at Risk Survey South WestPublished 3 July 2008
Summary of the survey of Scheduled Monuments at risk in the South West region in 2008.
Scheduled Monuments at Risk Survey West MidlandsPublished 3 July 2008
Summary of the survey of Scheduled Monuments at risk in the West Midlands region in 2008.
Scheduled Monuments at Risk Survey Yorkshire and the HumberPublished 3 July 2008
Summary of the survey of Scheduled Monuments in the Yorkshire and the Humber region in 2008.
Scheduled Monuments at Risk Survey East of EnglandPublished 3 July 2008
Summary of the survey of Scheduled Monuments in the East of England region in 2008.