Area north of Catshead Woods, Brigstock Road, Sudborough, Northants
Grade I - Grade II - Grade II* - Listed building - Conservation area - Scheduled monument - Registered park or garden - Planning permission - Landscape - Wind turbine farm - Less than substantial harm through development affecting the setting - Wind energy weighed against heritage conservation - Natural environment conservation weighed against heritage conservation
- Type of Decision: Appeal Decision
Year: 2012
Date: 12 March 2012 - Name of Inspector: Paul Griffiths
Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/G2815/A/11/2156757 - Local Authority Reference: EN/10/00068/FUL
Local Authority Area: East Northamptonshire District Council - Address of the property: Area north of Catshead Woods, Brigstock Road, Sudborough, Northants
- Applicant/appellant: Barnwell Manor Wind Energy Ltd