Partnership Schemes in Conservation Areas
Local authorities can apply for funding under our Partnership Schemes in Conservation Areas (PSICA) scheme. These schemes are run on a day-to-day basis by local authorities and are designed to target funding for the preservation and enhancement of conservation areas.
They are based on a partnership between us, the Local Authority and other funding bodies and are designed to ensure the long term sustainable future of conservation areas, in particular through supporting heritage-based regeneration initiatives.
Procurement regulations
Public procurement regulations mean that if more than 50% of a project is publicly funded, applicants to this scheme will have to demonstrate they have appointed any professional advisers in a competitive way. You will also have to tender for the building contract.
How to apply
This scheme is administered by staff in our local offices.
The following documents are available for local authorities to download:
Managing your scheme
Here you can download guidance on managing your scheme:
Similar schemes
The National Lottery Heritage Fund also offer similar grant funding packages for historic places.