Volume: Denny Abbey - Volume 2

Jun 1958 - May 1976
Denny Abbey, Waterbeach, South Cambridgeshire, Cambridgeshire
Volume containing Photographic material
Placeholder image for archive collection
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An album of 35 sheets of which only 8 towards the front of the album have pictures attached. The photographs are on both sides of the sheets in use, and each side with pictures attached has been given a page number. The first sheet (pages 1 and 2) was loose in the front of the album and for protection has been placed on the pins at the front.

The photographs show a variety of views of the abbey refectory and the main house before and during conservation work.

Some have been taken from the same negatives as those towards the back of volume 1.

Internal comparison shows some confusion about the direction of the pictures, for the majority is is assumed that the north wall is the one with the majority of the windows


This is part of the Series: OWS01/01 The 'Blue Albums'; within the Collection: OWS01 Office of Works and Successors: Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings

This Volume is divided into 36 Child Records
This Volume contains the following materials:
Photograph (Print): 36
Photograph Album: 1


© Crown copyright

People & Organisations

Creator of Archive: Ministry Of Public Building And Works


Refectory, Medieval Franciscan Nunnery, Post Medieval House, Medieval Abbey, Derelict Or Ruin, Conservation And Renovation, Religion