Statements of Heritage Significance: Analysing Significance in Heritage Assets

Historic England Advice Note 12

This Historic England advice note covers the National Planning Policy Framework requirement for applicants for heritage and other consents to describe heritage significance to help local planning authorities to make decisions on the impact of proposals for change to heritage assets. Understanding the significance of heritage assets, in advance of developing proposals for their buildings and sites, enables owners and applicants to receive effective, consistent and timely decisions.

This advice note explores the assessment of significance of heritage assets as part of a staged approach to decision-making in which assessing significance precedes designing the proposal(s). It also describes the relationship with archaeological desk-based assessments and field evaluations, as well as with Design and Access Statements. Analysis of heritage significance may also be useful in development plan preparation, including site allocations and Minerals and Waste Local Plans.

This advice note is part of emerging Historic England advice and it will therefore be reviewed in the light of practice. Feedback is welcomed and should be sent to the following e-mail address  - [email protected] – marked Statements of Heritage Significance HEAN 12.


  1. Introduction
  2. General advice on assessing significance of heritage assets
    Significance in the National Planning Policy Framework
    A staged approach to decision-making in applications affecting heritage assets
    Assessing significance
    Consultation and discussion with the local planning authority
    Sources of information
    Archaeological evaluation
    Statements of Heritage Significance as part of a Design and Access Statement
    Statements of Heritage Significance and the Development Plan
  3. The structure of Statements of Heritage Significance

Additional Information

  • Series: Guidance
  • Publication Status: Completed
  • Pages: 24
  • Product Code: HEAG279


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