View of harbour at Hartlepool
View of harbour at Hartlepool © Cornwall Archaeological Unit
View of harbour at Hartlepool © Cornwall Archaeological Unit

Unlocking the Potential of Hartlepool’s Heritage

A team of national experts on regeneration and heritage have published a new report identifying opportunities to unlock Hartlepool’s untapped potential.

In November 2023, Hartlepool Council invited Historic England’s Historic Places Panel for a visit so they could offer advice on how the town’s development opportunities can be inspired by its historic character.

Based on their experience of this visit, the Historic Places Panel members have developed a series of recommendations for regeneration, which seek to harness the power of Hartlepool’s rich and varied history. These are particularly focussed around Church Street, the waterfront and the Headland.

The Panel’s recommendations include:

  • Ensure local people are well connected to the town’s ambitions and plans for development. This could include a drop-in space in town where people can add their thoughts on regeneration and investment
  • Include Hartlepool’s historic buildings when bringing in investment, such as the new screen village in Church Street, which can thrive using the unique character of this important historic street
  • Reopen Hartlepool’s Art Gallery tower viewing platform as part of the gallery’s refurbishment. The views from the tower help to tell the story of how Hartlepool’s town centre has changed
  • Make it easier and more attractive to move between the town’s attractions on foot and cycle, improving the look and feel of streets and spaces
  • Create a programme of cultural and community events and activities that draw people to the waterfront, Headland and Seaton Carew as well as Church Street, which could be used for festivals and pop-up markets

Read the full report

We enjoyed a hugely interesting and invigorating visit to Hartlepool last November. The town has an immensely rich heritage and fascinating prospects as a centre for growth in the North East. There is clearly all to play for as the nation seeks new ways to regenerate its post-industrial towns and there are no shortage of enterprising culture, ideas and leadership in Hartlepool.

Ben Derbyshire, Chair Historic Places Panel

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